Find out How Massive Premium Tax Credits are Slashing ABA Members’ Healthcare Costs | American Bus Association

Find out How Massive Premium Tax Credits are Slashing ABA Members’ Healthcare Costs

Webinar | March 21 | 11 a.m. ET

During the pandemic, Congress passed The American Rescue Plan and The Inflation Reduction Act to lower healthcare costs for small businesses.  


ABA member employee demographics are in the law’s “sweet spot”.


The law expanded eligibility for subsidies by eliminating income caps to help more people. ABA member employees are uniquely positioned to receive significant savings on healthcare.


With better benefits and lower costs, ABA members gain the competitive edge for finding and keeping happy employees.



After subsidies, up to 80% of enrollees have comprehensive coverage options starting at $100/month for family coverage.

These are the same plans that a family of four would pay $25,000 a year without a subsidy


$6,288 Average Savings for Eligible Employees

Average premium savings are $524 a month, or $6,288 annually for each eligible employee. A company with 25 employees can see savings of $150,000 a year.  



Webinar on 3/21/2023 @ 11 AM EST


Can't attend? Register and we will send you a recording and the handouts after the webinar.


Thank You,


Brent Heurter

National Benefits Director

ABA Healthcare Benefits

(844) 215-4142

Registration is closed for this event

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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