Invisible Influence | American Bus Association

Invisible Influence

Webinar | June 2 | 2 - 3 p.m. ET

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Session Information

Your job requires you to influence people just about all of the time. Whether you are in a supervisory position or not, you need to gain support, inspire others, work well with others, get things done without support and improve your relationships.
Whatever form it takes, being an excellent influencer makes your job easier. We all want to have influence with the people we work with, but are unwilling to be manipulated, or be a manipulator.  Invisible Influence explores the science of influence – by maximizing our own personal strengths.  You won’t manipulate anyone, but instead recognize what your invisible influences are, and maximize their power.

There are many ways to influence others – and it isn’t about right or wrong – it is about being aware of the impact you have when communicating. Invisible Influence skills require a healthy combination of interpersonal, communication, and assertiveness techniques. It is about adapting and modifying your personal style when you become aware of the affect you are having on other people, while still being true to yourself. Behaviour and attitude change are what's important, not changing who you are or how you feel and think.

* What is Invisible Influence?
*  Boost communication skills both at work and in your personal life
* Evaluate your impact on others
* Improving your ability to influence others
* Speaking your mind without offending


Rhonda Scharf

Insightful … humorous … entertaining … even contagious J … words that are often used to describe Rhonda Scharf.  A speaker with the uncanny ability to look at the normal and see something quite different.

Rhonda will share some things she has learned to help you thrive in your work environment, emerging at the end of the day with a smile and a sense of accomplishment. Audiences far and wide sing her praises for her relevant and useful tips on administration, communication, and workplace effectiveness!

Rhonda is an author, speaker, trainer, and grandmother! She has earned her Certified Speaking Professional, is a member of the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame, and is one of only 35 speakers worldwide who have earned their Global Speaking Fellow (meaning she truly has an international business), and been awarded the Spirit of CAPS award. She was the first speaker in the entire world to earn all four awards. Her peers consider Rhonda a leader in the speaking industry! Her natural warmth and sincerity are balanced by a healthy sense of the absurd, a combination that is useful in any situation.

Rhonda was one of the first Canadians to earn the “Certified Virtual Presenter” designation in 2020.

Rhonda’s professional speaking career began at age two… when her mother would offer her 25 cents to be quiet for five minutes!

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