FINALLY! New Alternatives to Expensive Group Health Insurance for Small and Mid-Size Companies | American Bus Association

FINALLY! New Alternatives to Expensive Group Health Insurance for Small and Mid-Size Companies

Webinar | Nov. 9 | 2-3 p.m. ET

Don’t accept another year of double-digit rate increases!

Learn about new options 20% to 50% less than traditional group health insurance and which one is right for you:



Level funding has its advantages when compared to fully insured plans and programs. Level-funded plans often cost less, making it easier for small- and mid-sized employers to offer their employees high-quality healthcare benefits at a more affordable price.


Individual Coverage HRAs

The Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) allows members of all sizes to offer employees a monthly allowance of tax-free money, allowing them to buy health insurance that fits their unique needs while controlling costs and addressing ACA compliance.


Swift Guidance for ABA Members

Time is of the essence! Join this fast-paced 40-minute online presentation, and discover if level funding or ICHRA plans align with your company's 2024 goals.

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