
The motorcoach, travel and tourism industry creates jobs, provides access for rural communities, and contributes to environmental sustainability. Explore the research and reports below to learn more about the industry’s impact on society.

Economic Impact

Learn about the economic contribution of motorcoach-based group tourism on your state or congressional district. More

COVID-19 Effect on the Motorcoach Industry

COVID-19 has had a detrimental effect on the motorcoach industry through massive loss of jobs and industry economic impact. More

Size and Scope

Learn about the size and scope of the motorcoach industry, including employment data, number of passenger trips, fuel efficiency and more. More

The Environment

Learn about why motorcoach travel is the greenest mode of transportation. More


Learn how the motorcoach industry provides reliable, affordable access to residents in the nation’s rural and urban communities. More


See how much other passenger transportation modes are subsidized by the federal government. More

Motorcoach Sales

View quarterly motorcoach sales data. More

Getting Seniors on Buses

See research related to baby boomers and motorcoach travel and tourism. More

Technology on Buses by DePaul University

The rising use of electronic devices on intercity bus, planes and trains. More

Intercity Bus Services Reports by DePaul University

Reports from DePaul University on New Directions: 2019 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry in the United States; Running Express: 2017 Outlook for the Intercity Bus Industry in the United States; Adding on Amenities, Broadening the Base 2014 Year-in-Review of Intercity Bus Service in the United States; The Remaking of the Motor Coach: 2015 Year in Review of Intercity Bus Service in the United States; and The Traveler’s Tradeoff: Comparing Intercity Bus, Plane, & Train Fares across the United States. More

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The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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