Submit Complaint | American Bus Association

Submit Complaint

Report an Ethics & Action Violation

If a member or customer has evidence of an ethics or action violation regarding an American Bus Association member, the following process will be followed for appropriate reporting and investigation.


Submit in writing an account of the suspected violation, including any and all appropriate supporting documentation, to the ABA President & CEO by email at or phone (800) 283-2877.


ABA’s President & CEO will review all ethics complaints to conduct a follow-up investigation and have a discussion with both parties involved in the complaint.


Following an investigation, the President & CEO will: A) Attempt to mediate a resolution directly with the members in conflict if appropriate or B) Forward the complaint to the ABA Board’s Ethics Committee to review the findings of fact and resolve the dispute or determine a solution.


ABA members found to be in violation may be: A) Asked to leave the Association, B) Not be allowed to have their membership renewed until the complaint is resolved, C) Censured, D) Asked to pay a monetary fine, E) Found to not be at fault.

Additional Info

All members involved in an ethics dispute can expect to be communicated with by either phone, email, or written letter.

Non-response in relation to a request for information or a request for action will be considered to be an acceptance of the final findings of ABA.

All decisions made by the President or the Ethics Committee are conveyed via written letter to the company’s identified primary contact.

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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