African American Motorcoach Council

Councils - AAMC


The American Bus Association created the African American Motorcoach Council (AAMC), which joined the association’s other networking and business councils in 2021.

“ABA created the African American Motorcoach Council after identifying a need among our black-owned motorcoach operator members to have a concentrated, unified voice and lobby on behalf of their businesses,” said Peter Pantuso, ABA’s president & CEO. “While the entire motorcoach industry has been devastated by the COVID pandemic, some sectors and businesses have been hit harder than others. We wanted to give these companies another opportunity to unite within the ABA member community like we have with the Women in Buses and Hispanic Motorcoach Councils and present a united front to help secure additional funding for other motorcoach operators and the industry.”

The AAMC’s main priority is helping the ABA lobby for more federal government funding for the motorcoach industry, especially on behalf of small, family-owned minority businesses.


As a member of the AAMC and ABA, you are entitled to a variety of association benefits that will serve your unique needs: a legislative voice, regulatory watchdog activities, money-saving services, connections to other operators and suppliers, regular communications, an annual meeting, specialized safety training and much more.

The AAMC membership is comprised of dedicated professional individuals, business owners, and affiliated personnel who share a common interest in providing the highest quality and safest possible motorcoach service to all passengers and working with the black business community in the motorcoach industry throughout the United States.


AAMC Wednesday | 3 p.m. ET

Monthly virtual meeting of AAMC members. The series is held every third Thursday of the month.

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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