BISC Elections

BISC Elections

The business of the Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC) is governed by an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee coordinates the work flow and direction of the BISC Standing Committees and plans each of the education sessions for the Winter and Summer BISC meetings (and BISC West) as well as periodic webinars/conference calls.

Each year, the members of the BISC elect a portion of the Executive Committee to serve in this leadership role. The terms of the Executive Commitee members are staggered to assist with the continuity in planning for BISC education sessions and events, as well as to also ensure a constant infusion of fresh talent, ideas, and new safety leaders.

The positions listed below are up for election for 2-year terms running from 2024-2025. As we have done in past years, the BISC will again be holding an online election to select new members to join our BISC leadership. Nominations are due by December 15, 2023. Email if you are interested in being considered for any of the open positions, please email with a statement of interest (2-3 sentences on why you want to serve), your bio/resume and headshot by COB on December 15, 2023.

Voting is now open! Please submit your vote by COB on January 5, 2024.

Click here to view and submit your ballot

Submit Your Candidates

BISC Vice Chair

Sal Caccavale, Martz Group

A word from our Candidate: I believe I can make a difference for the Bus Industry Safety Council by utilizing my experience in leadership roles in previous trade associations and my vast regulatory knowledge.  I am firm believer in sharing of knowledge, especially to the next generation of safety leaders and those companies that do not have a full time safety staff. Safety is not a one person show but to be shared by everyone in the organization, no matter the size, to be successful.

Vehical Technical Operations Committee Chairman

Benjamin Kopp, Coach USA

A word from our Candidate: Hello, My name is Benjamin Kopp, most of you know me as Ben.  I am seeking your vote for the Chair of Vehicle Technical Operations Committee.

My career in the technical field began over 15 years ago as a mechanic in the Agricultural industry. I have been fortunate to have progressed upward into my current position as a Regional Maintenance Director for Coach USA, where I have served the past five years.  Shortly after joining the team at Coach USA, I became active with BISC and BusMARC, where I currently serve BusMARC as the Vice-Chair. This has provided me with a deeper understanding of my passion for our industry.

My experience in the motorcoach industry, accompanied by lessons learned in other industries, has allowed me to establish and build strong relationships with OEM and Vendor representatives. With this foundation, I am stepping forward to seek the leadership of the Vehicle Technical Operations Committee and lead our team by expanding opportunities, strengthening relationships, and producing higher levels of continuous education. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Security Committee Chairman

Jacob DuBois, Peter Pan Bus Lines

A word from our Candidate: As the current vice-chair of the Security Committee for BISC, I have taken the OTRB’s biggest concerns, comments, and risk’s to our government agency partners to continue a positive relationship. I am running for Chair of the Security Committee to continue our partnerships and to represent the OTRB industry to ensure all our employee’s and passengers are as safe as possible.

Government Activities Review  Committee Chairman

Matt Maglio, Greyhound Lines

A word from our Candidate: I would like to bring some new energy into BISC and continue to pull from the vast years of experience from others. The chair position for the Government Activities Committee brings valuable information to the group and I would be honored to help it grow and continue to be a resource to the membership.

Bus Manufacturer Representative

Robert Hitt, Prevost

A word from our Candidate: It has been a pleasure serving on BISC Executive committee as Bus Manufacturer representative for the past two years.

With over 44 years of experience in the motor coach industry,  I add additional strength to an already excellent BISC team effort.  Together we can continue to bring awareness and build industry education through informing and securing resources that navigate regulation and vehicle safety.  I would like to continue to serve BISC and its members by  asking for your vote for the BISC Bus Manufacturer Representative.

Insurance Representative

Dan Tomlinson, Lancer Insurance

A word from our Candidate: A word from our Candidate: I am interested in retaining the position for the Insurance Representative Position on the BISC Executive Committee. I have more than 25 years experience in the field of safety as it relates to commercial transportation. I currently serve on the UMA Risk Management Committee as well as the   BISC Executive Committee though the ABA as the Insurance Representative. I have chaired the Government Activities Review Committee with the Bus Industry Safety Council in the past as well. I would like to continue to serve in this role so that I can continue to work with industry members as well as regulatory officials to further improve the safety, compliance, and success of the motorcoach industry and I would ask for your vote.

Click here to view and submit your ballot

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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