Hispanic Motorcoach Council (HMC)

ABA is excited to offer predominately Spanish speaking motorcoach operators the opportunity to come together to join the Hispanic Motorcoach Council/El Consejo Hispano de Autobúses (HMC) under the umbrella of the American Bus Association.
HMC offers support through networking opportunities and information related to regulatory compliance, security issues, safety risks, legislative oversight, and government processes. Our goal is to make sure that each and every one of our members is kept abreast of developments within the industry, and that we deliver the tools that allow members to implement short-term actions and establish long-term strategies and successes. In short, we are here to help you build your business!
As a member of the HMC and ABA, you are entitled to a variety of association benefits that will serve your unique needs: a legislative voice, regulatory watchdog activities, money-saving services, connections to other operators and suppliers, regular communications, an annual meeting, specialized safety training and much more.
The HMC membership is comprised of dedicated professional individuals, business owners and affiliated personnel who have a common interest in providing the highest quality and safest possible motorcoach service to all passengers and are interested in working with the ever-growing Hispanic business community in the motorcoach industry throughout the United States.
Download Fillable Enrollment Form
HMC members with questions or requests should call (202) 218-7206 or email hmc@buses.org.