School Bus Council

Councils - SBC

ABA’s School Bus Council gives our members an opportunity and a forum for all motorcoach operators who have school bus operations to meet and discuss issues impacting the industry and operators

ABA Sends Letters of Support for STOP for School Buses Act to Capitol Hill

ABA sent a letter of support to all Congressmen for the STOP for School Buses Act of 2019 in the House by Reps. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) and Julia Brownley (D-Calif.) and in the Senate by Sens. Todd Young (R-Ind.) and Gary Peters (D-Mich.). The bill focuses on the most significant issue facing school transportation today – the illegal passing of stopped school buses, requiring the U.S. DOT to review all the issues and laws pertaining to illegal passing and make recommendations on best practices to Congress. Read the letter.


Past Events

School Bus Council Webinar and Call

Thursday, October 10, 11:00 a.m. Eastern

Webinar Recording

School Bus Council Meeting at BISC

Wednesday, June 26

School Bus Council Meeting at STN Expo

Tuesday, June 11

School Bus Council Webinar 

Thursday, April 11, 11:00 a.m. EDT

View Webinar Recording

School Bus Council Meeting at ABA’s Marketplace

Monday, January 28, 3-5 pm. 

Learn more

January 10 Conference Call 

10 AM Eastern – Topics include UCR, Hair Testing & Opioids, Florida Autonomous School Bus, Increase in Illegal School Bus Passing, Increase in School Bus Accidents, VW Funding State Spending, EPA New Standard for Heavy Duty Vehicles and PA Skills Testing Change.

Learn more

School Bus Council Meeting at ABA’s Marketplace

Monday, January 28, 3-5 pm. 

Learn more

School Bus Council Meeting at BISC/BusMARC

May 24 Conference Call

ABA’s School Bus Council held a call on May 24 at 3 pm EDT discussing the NTSB meeting on recent school bus accidents, EPA’s plan to roll back the greenhouse gas emission rule and two important funding opportunities — the VW Settlement and EPA’s DERA grant opportunity. Click here to listen to the call recording.


ABA, School Transportation News Partner to Create More Benefits for ABA’s SBC Members

ABA’s School Bus Council Featured in School Bus Fleet

School Bus Council Call Follow Up

NTSB Executive Summary – Special Investigation Report School Bus Transportation Safety

ABA’s School Bus Council Can Assist Your Company With The EPA Diesel Emission Reduction Act Grant Opportunity

ABA’s School Bus Council to Host Conference Call on Thursday, May 24


ABA is continually looking for ways to meet your ever growing needs in this industry. An analysis of ABA member companies showed that our current members operate between 10,000 and 15,000 school buses in addition to their motorcoach fleets. The ABA School Bus Council was created in celebration of this operational diversity and to provide an opportunity for all motorcoach operators who have school bus operations to meet and discuss issues impacting the industry and operators, including Department of Transportation-related issues, as well as state and local issues unique to school bus operations.


The School Bus Council is open to all ABA members at no additional charge. If you are interested in hearing more about the School Bus Council or its activities, please contact the Membership Department at

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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