2018 BusMARC Winter Meeting

Join the top maintenance and service professionals of the Bus Maintenance and Repair Council in biannual meetings to help continually raise the level of maintenance in the intercity bus and motorcoach industry.

Download a 2018 Winter BusMARC Registration Form

Register for BusMARC Online

BusMARC Meetings Include:

Presentations on the topics that matter, such as the new compliance reviews, changes to CSA, ADA compliance, and medical cards.
Hands-on technical presentations and discusssions of best maintenance practices
Facility Tours of local Maintenance facilities
Open access to the Marketplace exhibit floor, featuring products, services, and new-coach exhibits
Education seminars and networking opportunities
Fun Marketplace evening events


Date Time Session/Activity Location
Sun., Jan. 28 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

BusMARC Orientation Session

Description: Get a feel for who and what the Bus Maintenance and Repair Council is, when they will meet, what they discuss and how you can get involved. The mission of the BusMARC is to provide for continuing maintenance education and compliance training as well as provide a new venue for equipment, parts and service providers to interact with the bus industry. If you are an operations manager, shop foreman, technician or maintenance professional, this is where you need to be.

Date Time Session/Activity  
Mon., Jan. 29 9:30 am – 10:30 am BusMARC Opening General Session 203AB
Mon., Jan. 29 10:30 am – 11 am


Mon., Jan. 29 11 am – 12 pm Indexing with Preventative Maintenance Software


Mon., Jan. 29 11 am – 12 pm Preventative Maintenance Intervals


Mon., Jan. 29 12:20 pm – 2:15 pm All-Delegate Lunch  
Mon., Jan. 29 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm CVSA OOS Criteria for 2018
Mon., Jan. 29 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm Top 10 Maintenance & OOS Violations
Mon., Jan. 29 3:30 pm – 4 pm Break  
Mon., Jan. 29 4 pm – 5 pm Roundtables: Hiring/Training/Recruiting Maintenance Personnel
Mon., Jan. 29 4 pm – 5 pm Roundtables: Maintenance Best Practices, 4 Common Problems




Time Session/Activity  
Tues., Jan. 30 9:00 am – 11:00 am

Offsite Visit #1

Trolleys Inc.

Transportation Provided
Please contact us if you plan to drive your own car (busmarc@buses.org)

Buses will leave from the Charlotte Convention Center. Loading will begin at 8:45 am.

Tues., Jan. 30 12 pm – 4:00 pm

Offsite Visit #2

Christian Tours

Lunch is included

Transportation Provided
Please contact us if you plan to drive your own car (busmarc@buses.org)


Registration is closed for this event

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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