BISC Virtual Happy Hour – September 27, 2021 | American Bus Association

BISC Virtual Happy Hour – September 27, 2021

Webinar | September 27, 2021 | 5 PM ET

This Happy Hour will have a theme: “What's Next, the Latest & Greatest”

The safety of our passengers, drivers and buses is the number one priority for our industry. And fortunately, we have a solid safety record to stand on when compared to other segments of the surface transportation world. That record is due to the efforts of our compliance, safety, and operational leaders at bus companies across North America.

Despite these troubled times, our safety experts have a forum and venue to meet, bounce ideas and best practices off of each other and continue to enhance their safety and compliance knowledge. To better organize and bring together these industry leaders, ABA created the Bus Industry Safety Council (BISC). The mission of the BISC is to continually raise the level of safety in the bus and motorcoach industry through collaborative efforts of professionals in a workshop and educational environment.

This group meets regularly to discuss issues and innovations in the areas of safety, regulatory compliance, operations, technology and security. It is through the “open discussion and sharing” atmosphere that help our safety and security directors excel at what they do and continue the learning process.

With many in-person meetings postponed for the near future, we will meet virtually on Monday, September 27 at 5 p.m. ET to continue the valuable networking that BISC provides and talk strategically about what is to come. We will also be previewing what BISC sessions we have coming up during a fall Webinar series and in January!

To join the online meeting from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

To join by Telephone:

          +1 (470) 869-2200 (US)
          +1 (418) 478 1534 (CAN)

Meeting ID: 714 058 7653

No registration required!

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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