The “Big 4” to Creating More Storytellers for Your Organization! | American Bus Association

The “Big 4” to Creating More Storytellers for Your Organization!

Webinar | June 6 | 2 - 3 p.m. ET

Session Information

The “Big 4” to Creating More Storytellers for Your Organization! 

Track | Customer Experiences: Net Promoter Score

If given the choice, would you rather be considered “ the best”, or the “favorite” when it comes to companies in your region, or state?      What steps are you taking to have your customers and employees think of your organization as “their favorite”? It starts with implementing “The Big 4” to deliver that Black Tie (or first-class) Customer Service Experience.     
The Big 4 are-  

  • Creating a Foundation of Hospitality (or a Culture of Welcome)
  • Developing your “Standards of Excellence” (your Steps of Service)
  • Enhancing the Experience through IMPACT Points (becoming your Visitor)
  • Transforming your visitor into Brand Ambassadors (creating Storytellers)


Bob Pacanovsky

An entrepreneur for 28 years, primarily in the hospitality industry, Bob Pacanovsky, and his team created over 7,000 meetings, events, and receptions (including catering 25 of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction events), and had one opportunity to create both a “wow experience” and a lasting impression (or a Black Tie Experience) on his clients and guests.      Now as a keynote speaker and strategic trainer, he uses his two decades of work to teach companies and organizations how to focus on Hospitality, Service Excellence, and Selfless Leadership to create Black Tie Experiences for every client and guest.      Bob has worked with organizations and associations across the country in industries such as attractions, travel/tourism, healthcare, hospitality, association management, education, banking,  and more.  He has achieved Professional Membership in the National Speakers Association (NSA) and is a Past-President of an NSA chapter.    Bob lives in Akron, Ohio, and is a graduate of The University of Akron with a Bachelor’s Degree in Finance.  He is a passionate volunteer and has served on numerous non-profit boards, including the Alzheimer’s Association, OPEN M (a Christian Ministry), Jennings Senior Living, Goodwill Industries, Humane Society of Summit County, and others.



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