BusPAC | American Bus Association



Join now to help the motorcoach, tour and travel industry in Washington, D.C.

What Is BusPAC?

BusPAC is the American Bus Association’s political action committee or PAC, which enables ABA to contribute funds to Congressional political candidates and educate them on the motorcoach, tour and travel industry.

Why Does the Industry Need a PAC?

ABA member companies are not permitted to contribute to political candidates, but the principals and certain employees of our member companies can contribute to a PAC, which is permitted to make contributions to political candidates. Funding from BusPAC is a key tool ABA uses to meet and talk to Members of Congress about motorcoach, tour and travel issues.

There are many PACs in Washington, D.C., representing businesses and unions across the spectrum.

Having a PAC in Washington is a necessity for trade associations representing business interests. BusPAC represents and is the voice for the motorcoach, tour and travel industry. 

How Does BusPAC Raise Funds?

BusPAC is reliant on ABA members to provide funding. However, ABA cannot ask for a  contribution until the ABA member company first gives its permission, on an annual basis, and the company can only give permission to one trade association per year.

Once a company joins or “opts in,” ABA can ask for BusPAC contributions from the company’s executive and administrative employees. BUT ABA can only ask — contributions are not mandatory, and they must be from personnel funds (i.e., not the company’s funds). To join, click below:

Are There Limits to Contributing?

There is no minimum amount for a contribution, and BusPAC welcomes all contributions.

There is a $5,000 maximum limit for the amount contributed in a calendar year.

Contributions can be made by check, credit card or directly online, once a company has opted in to enable its principals, family members and employees to contribute. The only restrictions are that the contribution must be voluntary, and must be made from personal funds.

If I Join, Must I Contribute?

Contributions are entirely voluntary, there is no requirement to contribute in order to be a member of BusPAC and there is no minimum contribution level. BusPAC welcomes all ABA members.

How Do I Find Out More Information?

Contact Suzanne Rohde at (202) 218-7224 or srohde@buses.org.

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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