Operations Resources | American Bus Association

Operations Resources

Regulatory Compliance

The American Bus Association relieves its operator members of costly and time-consuming paperwork by completing it for them. We’ll even ensure it’s filed with the U.S. DOT at no added cost. More

Crisis Communications

As a free service to American Bus Association members, our crisis communications professionals are available to handle media relations in the event of an accident, letting members to focus on responding to those directly affected by the disaster, to first responders, and to the authorities investigating the incident. More

Trip Planning/Local Rules and Regulations

ABA provides members with a comprehensive set of local regulations regarding motorcoach parking, idling, drop-off and pick-up areas, and permits to assist in their trip planning. More

Idling Laws

Several states and localities in the U.S. have laws restricting idling time by commercial vehicles. These laws dictate how long and under what temperature conditions where you can idle as well as when it’s not permitted. More

Tire Chain Laws

Most every state in the U.S. has laws pertaining to the use of tire chains or snow tires. These laws dictate when you can, should, and absolutely must use tire chains, as well as when it’s not permitted. More

ABA Councils

ABA created several affiliated councils to provide added value to your membership. It’s another example of your ABA membership being all about “The Right People. The Right Place. The Right Time.” More

Find a Member

ABA helps members do business with each other by connecting potential buyers, sellers, and partners in the group tour and travel industry. Details of our database search include the types of groups served, main tour destinations, and the availability of wheelchair lift-equipped buses. More

Free Process of Service

ABA membership relieves operators of costly and time-consuming regulatory burdens by completing necessary paperwork for you, and ensuring it’s filed with the U.S. DOT—at no added cost. 

Funding & Training Resources

ABA members are provided information and assistance in Federal Government grants and training. ABA has worked hard to ensure that these funds are available to our members – in fact, during the last installment of this grant program (in FY 2015) more than 93 percent of those who were successfully awarded security grants were ABA members. More

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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