Membership Help: FAQ, Tutorials, and How-To Guides | American Bus Association

Membership Help: FAQ, Tutorials, and How-To Guides

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of being a member? 

Here are the benefits for all membership types .

How many representatives are allowed on the membership account? 

There is no limit. You may have as many representatives on the membership account as you like. 

How do I know what membership type I should join? 

We have four membership segments with the descriptions here

How do I renew my membership? 

Once you receive your invoice for renewal, if your membership account is active, you can log in to the MyABA membership portal to access the invoice and renew your membership. Invoices are sent out in April for Bus and Tour members and in September for Travel and Associates. 

Does my membership include registration at Marketplace? 

No, an ABA membership does not include a Marketplace registration.

Do I get discounted rates on the annual show with my membership? 

Yes, as an ABA member, you’ll receive the member-discounted rate. There is also an early bird rate, which saves you more on registration. 

Do you have lobbying rates? 

Yes. The deductible portion of your membership dues investment is 35%. 

When will my membership be renewed? 

Our memberships are for a calendar year. Bus Operators and Tour Operators renew by June 30th, and Travel and Associates renew by December 31. 

How can I pay my ABA invoices? 

Current members can access and pay invoices by logging into their MyABA membership profile, selecting Company then Invoices/Receipts.  You can also mail a check to the address on the invoice and call us at (800) 283-2877 to process it over the phone. 

I received an Open Invoice Statement.  What does it mean? 

Our system has an open invoice for which we have not received payment.   

How can I update my profile? 

You can log in to your MyABA membership account to update your profile. Here’s a short tutorial and a PDF on how to do so

How can I add a new representative to my company’s membership? 

You can add a new representative to your membership account by logging into MyABA, choosing Company, and then Manage Staff.  Click on “Add New” and proceed from there. 

Who can change my company’s membership and online profile? 

The primary contact on the account is the only person able to make changes. 

How can I update my organization’s profile?  What can I include in my profile? 

You can update your organization’s profile by logging into MyABA, choosing Company, and then Update Company Profile.  You can include your Company’s description, location, services, and number of employees. 

Where can I purchase advertising for my organization?

You can view advertising options here and contact YGS for opportunities on social media, our website, and for the Destinations magazine.
If you wish to advertise in the Bus Bulletin or Tour Stop, please get in touch with David Mokry at Multiview, who handles those newsletters.

Can I purchase a list of ABA members in Excel including email addresses? 

Yes, you can purchase a list by contacting us at or calling (800) 283-2877. 

What does ABA use the survey information for? 

ABA uses your company’s survey answers to identify trends and services provided and target specific information to the correct audiences to serve our association’s members better. It is not sold to third-party vendors for any purpose.

My ABA How-To Guide

My ABA Access Guide [PDF]

How to Use My ABA

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How to Pay Your Invoice

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Membership Tip Sheets for Better Group Business

Amusement Parks/Festivals/Fairs


General Attraction



Food Service



Historic Attractions






The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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