Driving Force: The Industry’s Guide to Recruiting & Retaining Drivers

Driving Force: The Industry's Guide to Recruiting & Retaining Drivers

What Is Driving Force?

Created by ABA’s Women in Buses Council, Driving Force is a program designed to tackle the nationwide driver shortage by providing industry operators tips and tools to recruit and retain their most valuable asset: Drivers. Watch this webinar to learn more.

Finders Keepers

Destinations Article

Driving Force Sessions at Marketplace 2023/Busworld North America

Session 1

Session 2

Interview Questions

Job Listings Handout

Speed Handout

Selling Your Company to the Driver Handout

View From the Driver’s Seat

View/Listen On Demand

Driving Force Update

View/Listen On Demand
Passcode: 87TznRV^
November 2, 2022

Tips on Recruiting & Retaining Drivers

Driving Force Recruitment & Retention Toolkit (Updated 11/2/2022)

Driving Force Operator Case Studies

Driving Force: Tips for Retaining and Retraining Your Furloughed Drivers for the Spring

Driving Force: The Importance of the Elevator Pitch
Driving Force: Creating a Great Job Listing is Important Part of Recruitment

Driving Force: Recruiting Tip: Conveying the Joy of Being a Professional Driver
Driving Force: Driver Recruitment Video

Driving Force: Roadmap for Recruiting

Driving Force: Roadmap for Retention

Driving Force Toolkit: Creating a Company Culture

Getting Ready to Start Hiring Again

Driver Retention Tips

Driving Force’s New Year’s Resolutions to a Better 2022

Top Hiring Tips from Operators

Don’t Let the ELD Requirement Slow Down Recruitment … Know the Facts

Let’s Talk Retention Practices

How Creative is Your Compensation?

What Is Your Website Doing for You?

How to Nurture a Positive Company Culture

Providing Performance Feedback Tips

Promoting a Great Culture Through Communication

Driving Force News

ABA Sends Letter to Commerce Secretary Asking for Support on Driver Recruitment

Smart Hiring Practices

On Demand Viewing

Download the Presentation

Quick Tips

Crafting a Compelling Job Listing

Using Technology to Your Advantage in Hiring (Sept. 27, 2023 Webinar Slides)

Driver Training Resources

Driver Training Resources for You and Your Drivers

Driving Force Technology and Your Business

Meet the Driving Force Task Force

James Blain, PAX Training
Erin Ducharme, Bloom’s Bus
Adam Hall, PAX Training
Brent Maitland, MCI
Pam Martinez, DATTCO
Mike McDonal, Saucon Technologies
John Meier, Badger Bus
Debbie Piner, Prevost
Mike Van Horn, Betterez

The American Bus Association serves a thriving industry that provides nearly 600 million passenger trips annually on charters, tours, scheduled service, and shuttles. Membership in ABA includes motorcoach operators, tour operators, tourism-related organizations, and products and service suppliers.

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